Did this to warm up for comicon with a brush. At con fans are fond of stopping by the booth for 1-5 minute sketches. In order to do them in time, I usually forgo the pencils and just hit the ink right away. Its what Moebius would do. 🙂
For some reason, sometimes art just turns out. This piece, from chapter 15, was done all in gouache. A medium (like acrylic) that Im not well versed in. I did a small thumbnail for the picture and it looked great in five minutes. I told myself “Now, if I can just make the finish look…
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Some of the art had to be redone a few times. For example, in this acrylic piece, I re-read the chapter and it said that Quilah was carrying 150 pounds on his back while being made to mach in circles all night holding his rifle in his mouth. I forgot the backpack (see first pic)…
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